Course Syllabus

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Offers an overview of the business environment with an emphasis on accounting, economics, finance, human resource management, information systems, management, marketing, and logistics and supply chain management.  Integrates the use of computer application software to design, create, and produce deliverables for problem-solving and decision-making in the areas of business.  Explores career opportunities within the areas of business.  


ISOM 125 – Introduction to Business with Integrated Computer Applications is an option in the University Core Curriculum as a Tier 1 – Social Science.  As such, assignments are designed to fulfill the expectations of Tier 1 – Social Science courses.   



Student Learning Outcomes/ Aligned Assignments  

National Association of Colleges and Employers Career Readiness Competencies  

Articulate responses to business issues and problems in oral and written formats  

o Class Discussions o Social Science Artifact  

 Communication:  Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside an organization.  


Analyze business issues/practices to make decisions and solve problems  

o Class Discussions o Social Science Artifact  

 Critical Thinking:  Identify and respond to needs based on understanding situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.  


Demonstrate generally accepted standards of professional/ethical behavior  

o Class Discussions o Reading Check Quizzes o Social Science Artifact o Tests  

 Professionalism:  Knowing work environments differ significantly, understanding and demonstrating effective work habits, and acting in the interest of the larger community and workplace.  


Apply technology to solving problems and making business decisions  

o Class Discussions o Social Science Artifact  

Design, create, and produce business deliverables using application software for problem-solving and decision-making o Integrated Computer Application  

 Technology:  Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.  



Gitman, L. J., McDaniel, C., Shah, A., Reece, M., Koffel, L., Talsma, B., & Hyatt, J. C.  (2018).  Introduction to Business.  OpenStax, Houston, TX.  

Introduction to Business from OpenStax, ISBN-10: 1-947172-55-7

You have options to obtain this book:


  • Use a USB flash drive or other storage device such as OneDrive.  
  • Access to a PC with Microsoft® Office 2021 with Excel, PowerPoint, and Word applications.  All Integrated Computer Application Assignment videos were created using a PC with Microsoft® Office 2021.  Note:  Chromebooks, MacBooks, iPads, iPhones, etc. are not acceptable substitutes for a PC with Microsoft® Office 2021 with the applications Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.  Attempting to use anything except the required hardware and software will likely result in a less-than-desirable outcome.  
  • Access to, reliable and of sufficient speed, Internet to complete all assignments by their respective due dates and times throughout the term.  


Academic Integrity:  Adhering to the highest ethical standards is critical for all involved in the educational process.  As such, Ball State University has established a Student Academic Ethics Policy outlining expectations and processes.  The expectations and processes outlined in that policy will be followed in this course.  

Assignment of Credit Hours:  As stated in a recent edition of the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook, "Departments and units shall assign one hour of credit to a class for each 2,250 minutes of student attendance and out-of-class work.”  The typical student effort meets this assignment of credit criteria.  

Assignment Submissions:  Students will submit all assignments via Canvas as directed.  Other submission methods are unacceptable (e.g., attachment, e-mail, Google, link, picture, screenshot, video, etc.).  

Attendance Policy: A recent edition of the Faculty and Professional Personnel Handbook states, "At Ball State University, student attendance at class meetings is expected.  Faculty shall establish policies for their courses.  Such attendance policies must be communicated to students by faculty through individual course syllabi."  For this course, students are expected to attend class sessions at the scheduled times and to complete and submit assignments by their respective due dates and times. 

Canvas Communication:  Please use the Canvas messaging system when communicating with the professor.  The Canvas messaging system will send friendly reminders and praise for work well done, so please read these professor-initiated announcements.  Students are responsible for the content of these professor-initiated Canvas messages.  

Contingency Planning:  Contingency planning is essential throughout a person’s lifetime.  Please prearrange to have access to a PC with Microsoft® Office 2021 with Excel, PowerPoint, and Word should a disruption of any kind occur.  In addition, the Internet access necessary to complete all assignments by their respective due dates and times must be prearranged should a disruption occur. 

Diversity Statement:  Ball State University aspires to attract and retain a diverse faculty, staff, and student body.  We are committed to ensuring that all members of the community are welcome by valuing the various experiences and worldviews represented at Ball State University and among those we serve.  We promote a culture of respect and civil discourse as expressed in our Beneficence Pledge and university resources:  Multicultural Center.

End of the Spring Semester:  The spring semester ends on May 2, 2025.  Shortly after that date and time, a final grade will be submitted for each student as outlined on the syllabus and in alignment with university policies and procedures. 

Expected Grading Timeline:  The professor grades weekly.  In general, manually graded assignments will be scored shortly after the assignment due date.   Some assignments are graded upon submission.  For example, quizzes and tests are graded upon submission by students. 

Integrated Computer Application Assignment Bonus Points:  The professor rewards good work.  Thus, one bonus point will be awarded for integrated computer application assignments, earning full credit.  For example, if an integrated application assignment rubric totals 22 points, the professor will manually enter the bonus, resulting in a final score 23. 

Late Assignments Not Accepted:  Sufficient time is provided for all students to complete assignments during class time.  The professor does not review the merits of why assignments were not submitted by their respective due dates and times.   

Manually Graded Assignments:  Many assignments are manually graded by the professor.   

Please review each manually graded assignment for assessment accuracy.  Please politely contact the professor if you believe there might be an error on a manually graded assignment.  Thank you for helping out with grading accuracy.  

Module Announcements:  Module announcements contain helpful information such as weekly deliverables, due dates and times, and supporting videos.  Students are responsible for the content of these module announcements.  Module announcements are sent to students via the Canvas messaging system and are available on the Canvas homepage. 

Rubric Feedback:  Assignments are scored using prepared rubrics.  Please review each rubric before uploading assignments to confirm submission accuracy.  After assignments are scored, please check the feedback provided so that adjustments can be made to improve future submissions as needed. 

Software Locator:  This course requires using a PC with Microsoft® Office 2021 with Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.  PCs with Microsoft® Office 2021 are available for your use in Bracken Library.  Here is a link to the software locator:  Software Locator.

Students with Disabilities:  If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please get in touch with me as soon as possible.  Ball State's Disability Services office coordinates services for students with disabilities; documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.  Disability Services can be contacted at (765) 285 – 5293 or  According to Dr. Courtney Jarrett, Director of Disability Services students will either be e-mailing or handing letters directly to faculty.  Here is a link to the announcement from Dr. Jarrett describing the process:  Policies and procedures for students with disabilities.

Submitted Files:  Please submit the correct assignment files to Canvas (i.e., completed files, uncorrupted files, etc.).  The professor grades the file that has been submitted, not the file that was intended to be submitted.  Students are responsible for submitting correct, uncorrupted files.  

Technology Assistance:  Ball State University provides students with many sources of technology assistance.  Several technologies will be used to support this course.  Each student is responsible for successfully utilizing the technologies used during this course.  Please get in touch with the HelpDesk for technology assistance.  Students assume responsibility for reviewing assignments (see attendance policy) and addressing any technology needs before their respective due dates and times. 

University Guidance Regarding Absences/Missed Assignments:  There are several instances where the university provides clear guidance regarding student absences.  For example, funeral and bereavement needs, jury duty or court witness participation, military service obligations, pregnancy care, student-athlete travel, and university advisories are all instances where the university has provided clear guidance regarding student absences.  University guidance for these absences will be followed when supported by evidence.  There are also instances where the university defaults to the professor's discretion regarding student absences (e.g., medical issues/illness and other circumstances).  Other circumstances are operationally defined as anything causing a missed assignment.  The professor does not negotiate these types of absences/missed assignments individually.  Instead, at the professor’s discretion, medical issues/illness and other circumstances will be handled by dropping selected low grades for all students at the end of the term.  Specifically, two are from the Integrated Computer Applications group, one is from the Reading Check Quizzes group, and one is from the Tests group (the final presentation/paper cannot be dropped).  This low-grade drop for all students will occur at some point during the last week of the term using the Canvas tool designed for that purpose.  Documentation is not needed for these discretionary adjustments.  Please review this link for additional information:  Attendance Policies.










Number Items

Points Each

Total Points

Class Discussions/Artifacts  






Reading Check Quizzes  






Tests and Final




40, 40, 40, 80


Integrated Computer Applications  














100% - 94% = A  

<94% - 90% = A-  

<90% - 87% = B+  

<87% - 84% = B  

<84% - 80% = B-  

<80% - 77% = C+  

<77% - 74% = C  

<74% - 70% = C-  

<70% - 67% = D+  

<67% - 64% = D  

<64% - 61% = D-  

<61% - 0% = F  



All grades are available on Canvas.  


The professor will follow the expectations outlined in this syllabus and official university documents.  To facilitate administrative integrity, consistency, and fairness, please do not ask the professor to deviate from the expectations outlined in this syllabus or official university documents.  The professor reserves the right to modify the class outline/syllabus if, in his judgment, such modification would improve the operation (teaching/learning process) of the class (i.e., assignment modifications, correcting typing errors, grading scale adjustments, policy changes, etc.).  Current editions of official university documents will guide all decisions not explicitly addressed in this syllabus.  

Course Summary:

Date Details Due