LinkedIn Connections
- Due Jun 8, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a website url
- Available Jun 1, 2022 at 9am - Jun 8, 2022 at 11:59pm
Step 1: Create a LinkedIn account (or link current account to BSU email)
Step 2: Add Profile Components
Recent photo that is professionally appropriate
Headline that is informative, memorable and professional
Current Position - start with your current status as an IN LSAMP scholar
Step 3: Connect to IN LSAMP
Amber Huff – Project Manager, IN LSAMP
+ IN LSAMP Coordinator, faculty mentor, and students and graduate assistant in your cohort
Step 4: Connect to the IN LSAMP LinkedIN Group
You will get an email invitation to join the IN LSAMP group. Once you accept the invitation, locate here in LinkedIN: Select ‘work’, then ‘Groups’, then ‘MyGroups’
Mission of the group: The IN LSAMP group was established to connect IN LSAMP Scholars, Faculty Mentors, and alliance members to developing a STEM research support group to provide guidance and leadership among the members.